Tinkers & Thinkers Launch Party 2025
Saturday, April 26 |12:00 - 3:00 PM
Pleasant Hill Teen Center & Park
3-2-1 Blastoff! Join us for an exciting afternoon of S.T.E.A.M. learning and exploration! Build a rocket and launch it in the park. Pick up a take-home Tinker Box and get inspired with ideas to build multiple solar-powered projects with the components inside.

Hello! Tink, The Robot here. Are you ready for an extraordinary afternoon of exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.)? I am! Get inspired, get creative, and learn something new through exciting hands-on activities!
Electronically yours,
Tink, The Robot
(Official Tinkers & Thinkers Mascot)

Interested in sponsoring future Tinkers & Thinkers events? Let's connect! Contact us
Thinkers & Thinkers is a collaborative community partnership between Pleasant Library and Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District.
Follow Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District on Facebook or Instagram @pleasanthillrec and the Pleasant Hill Library @pleasanthilllibrary. Tag your event photos with #PHTinkers2025